the prefect of police of Paris takes legal action for “massive fraud with counterfeit banknotes”

Scenes of chaos punctuated the Champions League final near the Stade de France on Saturday.

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The prefect of police of Paris, Didier Lallement, announces, Sunday, May 29, in a note addressed to the Ministry of the Interior, which franceinfo has obtained, that he will seize the prosecutor to open an investigation concerning the “massive fraud counterfeit tickets” during the Liverpool-Real Champions League final on Saturday at the Stade de France.

The Paris police chief explains that he “considers it necessary to identify those responsible for this massive counterfeit fraud which could have had very serious consequences on the safety of spectators both during access and in the stadium itself”. “The seriousness of these facts justifies, in my opinion, a referral to the public prosecutor”writes Didier Lallement.

Furthermore, the Paris police chief believes that the “The system put in place ensured the essentials: allowing the match to run smoothly and guaranteeing the safety of the festivities without deaths or serious injuries”.

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