the prefect of Isère will seize the administrative court in the event of authorization by the municipal council

In a press release, the Isère prefecture considers that authorizing the burkini in municipal swimming pools “seems to contravene the principle of secularism”.

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The prefect of Isère Laurent Prevost announces Sunday evening in a press release that he “will seize the administrative court in the event of adoption“by the municipal council of the city of Grenoble, Monday, of the deliberation on the internal regulations of municipal swimming pools.

The municipality, led by the ecologist Eric Piolle, is actually looking at Monday at 3 p.m. on a deliberation to authorize the burkini in the various municipal swimming pools of the city.

The main purpose of this amendment is to authorize the wearing of the burkini” and of “give in to communitarian demands with religious aims“, according to the prefect. “This seems to contravene the principle of secularism.

The prefect of Isère therefore explains that he will seize the administrative court of Grenoble “through a secularism referral“.

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