the prefect of Hauts-de-France favors the track of “a flight to Belgium”

The person concerned has been wanted since the validation, Tuesday, of his expulsion by the Council of State.

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He would be in Belgium. The prefect of Hauts-de-France, Georges-François Leclerc, said on Wednesday August 31 that the Moroccan imam Hassan Iquioussen, wanted since the validation on Tuesday of his expulsion by the Council of State, was likely to have fled. in Belgium.

“The scenario that is favored today is an escape to Belgium by Hassan Iquioussen”declared the prefect during a press conference, qualifying the preacher, implicated for remarks deemed contrary to the values ​​of the Republic, of “offender” since then “that he evaded an expulsion order”.

In its decision, the Council of State considers that its “anti-Semitic discourse”, “reiterated (…) after his 2004 apology”and his “systematic discourse on the inferiority of women”in “videos still available on the internet, the last of which were made in 2021”constituted well “acts of explicit and deliberate incitement to discrimination or hatred”. Gérald Darmanin announced on July 28 the expulsion of this preacher from the North, filed S (for state security) by the DGSI “for eighteen months”according to him.

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