the prefect of Gard takes a new decree regulating the wearing of masks

The Covid virus is actively circulating in the Gard department. The incidence rate on Wednesday is 306 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Faced with this situation, the prefect of Gard takes a new decree to make it compulsory to wear a mask outdoors on public roads and in places open to the public, for anyone eleven years of age and over, moving around or accessing places with high density of people, when the distance between individuals cannot be respected. Are concerned :

  • outdoor food and non-food markets including Christmas markets , flea markets and garage sales, fairs and funfairs as well as unpacking sales
  • any public gathering generating a large gathering of the population, including demonstrations on the public highway mentioned in Article L. 211-1 of the Internal Security Code, festivals, open-air concerts and outdoor sporting events. air
  • waiting areas for public land and air transport (bus shelters, terminals, station platforms, tramway platforms)
  • spaces and queues outside establishments open to the public

Wearing a mask is compulsory for anyone aged eleven or more, in establishments open to the public, with regard to their interior and exterior spaces, as well as in public transport and in professional vehicles bringing together several people.

Exceptions to the obligation to wear a mask:

  • People under the age of eleven
  • People with disabilities who have a medical certificate justifying this exemption and who implement health measures to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • People practicing a physical or sporting activity

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