On franceinfo, Jérôme Bonet, the prefect of Gard, believes that these are “contents which fundamentally call into question our values”.
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Accusation, explanations… and contradiction. While Gérald Darmanin requested the withdrawal of the residence permit of a Tunisian imam from Gard, accused of calls to hatred, Mahjoub Mahjoubi explained himself Monday February 19 on France Bleu Gard Lozère. He speaks of a slip of the tongue. However, Tuesday February 20 on franceinfo, Jérôme Bonet, prefect of Gard, assures that the imam of Bagnols-sur-Cèze is “follow up” Since “several months“.
In a first video relayed on social networks, Mahjoub Mahjoubi describes in particular the “tricolour flag” of “satanic flag” which does not have “no value with Allah“. He does not specify that it is the French flag. Comments which made Gérald Darmanin react, who requested the withdrawal of the residence permit of this Tunisian imam with a view to his expulsion. Mahjoub Mahjoubi specified that he had done A “slip of the tongue” : “I made a slip of the tongue, it’s not a mistake, because a mistake is voluntary. I made a slip of the tongue in my speech because I am not Voltaire, nor Victor Hugo unfortunately. Instead of saying all these multi-colored or different colored flags, I said tricolors“. “I have always defended the Republiche still insists on France Bleu. For years, I have been praised because I defend the Republic, I defend blasphemy, I defended Samuel Paty (..) and there, I slip on the word tricolor, and they shoot me down, they ask my expulsion“.
“Obviously, there are avenues of appeal”
However, on franceinfo, the prefect of Gard assures: “It is not just this video extract which justified the reaction of the Minister of the Interior, it is a follow-up which dates back several months“. The prefect of Gard explained that the Minister of the Interior “has followed and is obviously following these subjects scrupulously, but in a very specific way, the case of Bagnols-sur-Cèze, and has been doing so for several weeks”. Jérôme Bonet noted a “derivative” In “several recent sermons” Who “contain in their content a certain number of offenses likely to be prosecuted. That’s why I reported them to the public prosecutor last Friday“, he justified.
“There are several dozen minutes of sermons which were analyzed by the specialized services and which contain many things other than this pseudo-lapse.”
Jérôme Bonet, prefect of Gardon franceinfo
The Tunisian imam from Bagnols-sur-Cèze is married, father of two children and has lived in France for thirty years. Several appeals are possible before a possible expulsion: “Fortunately, we are in a state of law. (…) Obviously, there are remedies“, he confirmed, but “should we keep people on our territory who make comments, who challenge our values to this extent?“, finally asked Jérôme Bonet. The Nîmes public prosecutor’s office has opened a preliminary investigation for advocating terrorism and inciting hatred.