The PQ proposes a white paper on independence

(Quebec) Unable to study the controversial budget for year 1 that they have been promised for ages, the delegates of the Parti Québécois (PQ) gathered in congress on Saturday will be able to opt for a substitute: a “white paper” on the independence.

Indeed, the 550 members gathered in Sherbrooke will be able to vote on the preparation of an ambitious document that would paint a portrait of a sovereign Quebec by answering major questions.

This is part of the Parti Québécois’ desire to refocus on its sovereignist option and to renew reflection on independence.

Chief Paul St-Pierre Plamondon had undertaken to submit a budget for year 1 of an independent Quebec, that is to say a portrait of its public finances, but the exercise has since been postponed. There should be an announcement about it on Saturday.

In addition to a critique of the current Canadian federal system, the proposed white paper would analyze in particular the institutions of an independent Quebec, its economy, its international relations, its relations with Canada and the Aboriginal peoples and the integration of federal civil servants.

The wording of the proposal to be put to the vote would mandate the PQ’s political commission to prepare the white paper, it reads.

In the parliamentary term, a white paper is usually a statement of a government’s intentions which explains its principles and determines its approach to an issue.

PQ delegates will also consider other recommendations.

On Thursday, a Montreal daily revealed that they were also going to look into lowering the minimum voting age to 16.

Also, a proposal also suggests that an eventual PQ government should nationalize water.

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