The PQ disputes the transfer of seniors to CHSLDs

The Parti Québécois is indignant that we are preparing to repeat the same mistakes again by overloading CHSLDs by transferring users from hospitals to them.

• Read also: Quebec wants to fight over-medication in CHSLDs

• Read also: More than 4,000 residents infected: cases explode in CHSLDs and RPAs

The member for Duplessis and spokesperson for the Parti Québécois pour les Seniors, Lorraine Richard, strongly opposes the fact that health establishments overwhelmed by cases of COVID-19 are transferring third-aged patients to CHSLDs.

She regrets that the lessons of the first wave have not been learned. “It seems the government has not learned a lesson from the first wave at all. We make the same mistakes again by overloading the CHSLDs, as if we had not seen the consequences of such a decision! ”She protested.

The PQ member wonders if the CHSLDs are able to offer the level of care required by these seniors. “There is a risk of overloading resources and putting the quality of care for other seniors in the same establishment at risk,” exclaims the member.

Explanations required

Mme Richard demands that all light be shed on what led to this decision. According to her, it would be greatly surprising if the CISSS did not obtain an endorsement from the Ministry of Health.

“It is imperative that the government explains itself on this directive. Seniors should not, once again, bear the brunt of the mismanagement of the pandemic, ”concludes the MP for Duplessis.

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