the power cut in the city’s 8th arrondissement is now over

Several sectors of the city were affected by this cut, notably near Parc Chanot and Boulevard Rabatau. It will have affected more than a thousand homes for several hours on Christmas Day.



Google Maps screenshot of the 8th arrondissement of Marseille (Bouche-du-Rhône), December 25, 2023. (GOOGLE MAPS)

The power cut which began at 2:10 p.m., Monday December 25, in the 8th arrondissement of Marseille, ended around 8:20 p.m., Enedis assures France Bleu Provence from Enedis. At the peak of the outage, 1,400 households were affected.

Several sectors of the city are affected, notably near Parc Chanot and Boulevard Rabateau.

The outage was still in progress at 6:40 p.m. Monday according to Enedis, for a duration “indeterminate”. Enedis mentioned a “time-consuming troubleshooting”ensuring that the teams are investigating the cause of this outage Monday evening.

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