The poverty rate is underestimated in the country, according to a report from Food Banks Canada

The poverty rate is underestimated in the country, according to a report from Food Banks Canada released Tuesday.

Food Banks Canada believes that “Canada’s official poverty rate does not provide a complete picture of hunger and food insecurity” in the country.

The organization suggests that 25% of Canadians have a standard of living below the poverty line, according to its index, rather than 10% as is generally assumed.

The index the organization used to reach this conclusion is called the “material deprivation measure.” It allows you to calculate the proportion of Canadians who live in poverty because they cannot afford two or more essential products.

The organization also surveyed households to see if they were empowered to meet different needs, such as being able to move around their community as needed, having at least one pair of well-fitting shoes and a pair of winter boots, being able to maintain their accommodation at a suitable temperature all year round, etc.

Instead, the Market Basket Measure — the index usually used — adds up the costs of a basket of goods and services representing a modest basic standard of living.

Food Banks Canada highlights that 1,935,111 visits were recorded to food banks across the country in March 2023. This is an increase of 32% compared to March 2022.

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