the possibility of combining salary and RSA to counter the shortage of pickers


France 2

Article written by

J. Van Hove, France 3 Regions, N. Murviedro – France 2

France Televisions

For many winegrowers, finding arms for the harvest is a real headache. So some departments have set up a system where RSA recipients can continue to receive their allowance, by accumulating a salary for the harvest.

The harvest season has begun and with it, the hassle for winegrowers to find labor to pick the grapes. In some departments such as Aube, it is possible to work in the vineyards, while keeping your RSA. A godsend for the winegrowers as well as for the employees. “It’s a bonus, me, I have the trip, I come from Picardy so I have the gas, it’s not worth it otherwise to do it“, illustrates François, who came to Champagne to pick up the grapes.

A measure that relieves producers. “Fortunately, the State wanted to put this in place, otherwise there would be no one in the vineyards.“, underlines Véronique, manager of the Daniel et Filles champagne. A solidarity system implemented for several years. “It makes it possible to partially respond to this lack of arms, but it is also of interest for the people concerned who are in a fragile situation, often quite far from employment.“, advances Philippe Pichery, president of the Departmental Council of Aube. An accumulation of income still unknown, there are still many positions to be filled in the French vineyards.

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