the popular Primary “does not concern ecology, it concerns social democracy”, according to Delphine Batho

Yannick Jadot’s spokeswoman regrets that “ecological issues” are “overshadowed in the debate” by these divisions.

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The popular Primary was a consultation that “is not about ecology, it is about social democracy”, declared on Monday January 31 on franceinfo Delphine Batho, spokesperson for the candidate Europe-Ecologie-Les Verts in the presidential election Yannick Jadot, while Christiane Taubira won this primary on Sunday adding an additional candidacy on the left.

“What interests me is ecology. It is not the situation of the political forces which have governed in the past and which have failed”, added Delphine Batho, who regrets that “ecological issues” be “overshadowed in the debate” by these divisions.

Regarding the union of the left, “there is no soap opera”, assures the spokesperson for Yannick Jadot. “There is only one environmentalist candidacy which is that of Yannick Jadot, which brings together all the environmentalists of France and who carries out a project which responds to the emergency.”

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