The Pope’s remarks on Abbé Pierre “encourage” a “work of truth”, believe the Bishops of France

Pope Francis said Friday that the Vatican had been informed of allegations of sexual abuse against the clergyman, who has been accused of sexual violence by multiple women.


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The Mouv Enfants association demonstrates in front of the Emmaüs headquarters in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis), on September 10, 2024. (HENRIQUE CAMPOS / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

“We welcome the statements of the Holy Father calling for full light to be shed and for a resolute and collective fight against all types of abuse within the Church and society.” In a press release sent on Saturday, September 14, the Conference of Bishops of France (CEF) considered that Pope Francis’ comments on Abbé Pierre went “the meaning of the painful and long work undertaken by the Church in France since the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (CIASE)”, argued the CEF.

Pope Francis said at a news conference Friday that the Vatican had been informed of the allegations of sexual abuse against Abbé Pierre, at least “After [s]to death” in 2007, describing the founder of Emmaüs as “terrible sinner”.

The Pope’s words “encourage this work of truth and historical clarification around Abbé Pierre, which we call for and which we want to help, by opening our archives now”the CEF stressed.

In his remarks on Friday, Pope Francis did not, however, specify whether the Holy See had archives attesting to the accusations made against Abbé Pierre and whether, if so, there was any question of authorizing access to them.

The Pope’s words “are vague and confusing” And “would need to be clarified”qualified a source close to the case questioned by AFP. According to the latter, “We do not know what the Pope was referring to.”“In France, the bishops would obviously be delighted if the Holy See opened its archives regarding Abbé Pierre. The question remains whether the Holy See was aware of rumors or facts, and which ones.”continued this source.

On Thursday, the CEF announced the opening of these archives. The following day, the bishop of the diocese of Grenoble-Vienne, to which Abbé Pierre was attached, also announced that he was lifting the deadline for the release of his diocesan archives concerning the clergyman who died in 2007 and was accused of sexual violence in many testimonies from women who crossed his path throughout his life. All documents retained will be “available now for consultation by all authorized and accredited persons: researchers, members of the commission of experts announced by Emmaüs, and journalists investigating Abbé Pierre”specified the press release from the diocese.

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