the Pope visiting the island of Lesbos


France 2

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Pope Francis arrived Sunday, December 5 on the island of Lesbos (Greece), to go to the refugee camp where more than 2,000 asylum seekers live. The sovereign pontiff sent a message to European political leaders, as explained on the spot by the journalist of France Televisions, Alban Mikoczy.

“The tragedy of migrants is the sinking of Western civilization.” The words of Pope Francis, traveling on the Greek island of Lesbos on Sunday December 5, are strong. “His plea lasted about twenty minutes”, specifies Alban Mikoczy, in which he “asked the Western leaders to take their responsibilities and not to let Greece, Italy and Cyprus manage alone the management of migration issues”.

The Pope then went to meet the Syrian, Afghan and French-speaking African families who have been waiting for months for a response from the European Union. For the Sovereign Pontiff, “the migration issue is central and reflects what reception should be in Europe”, underlines the journalist from France Télévisions.

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