Video length: 2 min
Legislative elections 2024: the political week seen by the French
Legislative elections 2024: the political week seen by the French
The closing of nominations on Sunday, June 16, put an end to a crazy week on the political level since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. How did French voters experience it?
Sunday June 16, candidates for the early legislative elections came to submit their candidacy in person in their prefecture. Invested or not, they had until 6 p.m. to make themselves known. What political development marked the French? “The rallying of the PS with LFI. I didn’t think they would ally”a woman wonders. “The return of François Hollande passing through the window“, declares a passerby. “Eric Ciotti’s joining the National Rally clearly proves that electoral visions are a priority”regrets a man.
On a market in Montpellier (Hérault), many are saddened by the spectacle offered by political leaders. “It’s out of character, I have the impression of being in a kindergarten class,” criticizes a voter. “We hear too much about everyone’s personalities, not enough about the substance,” regrets another. The upheavals further complicate the choice for the elections. The candidates have two weeks left to convince the undecided.