the political standoff with Europe continues




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Poland continues to face the European Union after expressing its desire to put its national law ahead of European law.

Battle of words in Brussels. While Poland has been making it known for several days that it wants to prioritize its national law over European law, causing the freezing of 36 billion euros qui were to be allocated to him by the EU on the occasion of the exit from the coronavirus crisis, Ursula Von Der Leyen clarified the European Union’s positions on this issue. We can’t and we don’t want to leave our common values ​​be endangered. The Commission will act and the options are known to all“, To affirmed, the president of the VSomission european. On the Polish side, the verbal response was not made wait with Mateusz’s reaction Morawiecki, the Pfirst Minister Polish. The latter retorted to Ursula Von Der Leyen than “blackmail is a method used by some member states“before exposing his rejection of “threats and coercion“.

The situation is such that some see on the horizon a Polexit, an exit of Poland from the European Union. TO Conversely, for Sébastien Maillard, European specialist and director of the Jacques Delors Institute, this situation is unthinkable. TO this title, it recalls qu ‘We can see that politically the country does not want it, the Poles even less. It is one of the most Europhile countries, even more than France“. a European summit will be held on Thursday and Friday, during which this subject should be discussed again.


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