The political return to the left, in Intercity mode

Who will win? Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, near Valence, with France Insoumise? Grenoble, with Europe Écologie Les Verts? Blois, with the Socialist Party? Or Strasbourg, with the Communist Party?

This is obviously not “the end of abundance” for these universities of the left! The challenge for the partners of La Nupes is to count each other on their own but also to create THE meeting that will succeed what La Rochelle was, during the splendor of the PS…

LFI, the majority party and initiator of the new popular union, is on track to dominate this distance muscle competition. By inviting the ministers Marlène Schiappa, Clément Beaune, Olivia Grégoire, as well as Rachida Dati, headliner at Les Républicains, the Insoumis are making the event and sending a clear message to their allies: the debates are with us, the dynamic on the left is the party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, since the creation of this alliance, tries to push his advantage. And is eyeing the European elections in particular. Environmentalists do not want a deal. Yannick Jadot and Julien Bayou close the door: the pro-European Greens cannot get along with rebellious people who advocate disobedience on the treaties. Europe is also a sticking point among socialists. Olivier Faure, the First Secretary, after displaying unconditional support for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, now explains that the PS must assert its identity within Nupes.

Among the protesters, his predecessor Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, present in Blois, will announce the creation of a list of the European left if the Socialists ally with LFI.

Clémentine Autain, the deputy of Seine Saint-Denis, calls for more pluralism and regrets the organization “gaseous” of his party. Challenging challenge to the domination of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Here too, wars of succession are already taking shape.

Another criticism, which this time concerns the entire left, came from the general secretary of the CGT. “These parties should immerse themselves in what the trade union organizations are saying. There needs to be more of a link between the reality of the world of work and what we can bring to the National Assembly“, said a somewhat annoyed Philippe Martinez, Thursday August 25 on franceinfo.

What is at stake this weekend is also the ability of this left to reconnect with the social movement. And to talk again to disappointed popular categories, always more seduced by the National Rally. There is a long way to go.

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