the political reactions to the “letter to the French” from the President of the Republic

End of the false suspense. Emmanuel Macron announces his candidacy for the presidential election, Thursday March 3 in a “Letter to the French”. It is broadcast on the sites of the almost regional daily and will be published in the newspapers on Friday. The President of the Republic explains why he is running for re-election. Political reactions are numerous on Thursday evening, especially among the other candidates and their supporters.

“President Macron has been serving candidate Macron for months”asserts Anne Hidalgo, the candidate of the Socialist Party on Twitter. “The democratic debate that I demand, project against project, will finally be able to take place”, she added in a press release.

In his letter, Emmanuel Macron makes “a record of his mistakes, I now await his program”reacts Thursday evening on franceinfo Eric Coquerel, deputy La France Insoumise.

“Acknowledged errors are two lines, and then it’s self-satisfaction, tackles the deputy. I believe that we are in a situation in the country, whether at the international, social, environmental or democratic level , in which the French have the right to have specific programs”.

Eric Coquerel believes that“Emmanuel Macron cannot rely solely on the stature he is trying to establish, especially vis-à-vis the war in Ukraine”.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Debout la France candidate, asks the French not to let themselves “fooled by Emmanuel Macron’s grandiloquent and hollow letter”. According to the candidate, “he takes the French for fools”.

“Emmanuel Macron candidate tells us: I will do everything that, president, I have not done”corn “Who can still believe it?” asks the candidate Valérie Pécresse in a speech Thursday evening. “For that, it would take the courage of the reforms which it lacked so much”. “This five-year term was one of lost illusions. Emmanuel Macron must be held accountable”adds the candidate Les Républicains.

Geoffroy Didier, MEP Les Républicains and director of communication for the campaign of Valérie Pécresse, indicates Thursday evening on franceinfo to wait “a debate project against project, vision against vision”. “In a democracy, there should be no automatic renewal. We must be able to answer for our results and present our project. The French deserve this debate”, explains Geoffroy Didier, who believes that “there are a lot of failures”.

The candidate of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel indicates to him that it is necessary “turn the page”.“To allow the French to reconnect with happy days.”

Marine Le Pen, publishes the hashtag #sanslui on Thursday and assures that she will “do everything so that the next five years will be without him and with me.” In his “letter to the French”, the outgoing president acknowledges that he has not “not all successful”, according to the candidate of the National Rally.

“End the hide-and-seek”comments Sébastien Chenu on franceinfo Thursday, “I believe that Emmanuel Macron must now accept the debate”adds the spokesperson for the candidate of the National Rally. “He cannot monopolize this presidential election and hide behind the Ukrainian crisis so as not to address the future of France.”

A few hours before the publication of Emmanuel Macron’s letter, Éric Zemmour, published a video on social networks who addresses the President of the Republic to draw up “his record”. Our country has become unlivable and you are the cause”says the Reconquest candidate.

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