the political messages of the sovereign pontiff


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

During his visit to Marseille, the Pope had strong words, particularly on the issue of migrants, which is shaking Europe in the midst of a migration crisis.

Some observers have long nicknamed him the “pope of migrants”. For his visit to Marseille, he did not fail has her reputation. This Saturday, September 23, in the presence of the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, the sovereign pontiff sent a very clear and very political message. “The solution is not to reject but to ensureer”did he declare. “Depending on the possibilities of each person, a large number of legal and regular entries East sustainable thanks to a fair reception of migrants from the European continent”. A direct allusion to the migration crisis.

A Pope in favor of migrants

Enot 2013, barely enthroned, he places refugees at the heart of his pontificate. While his teams advised him against it, he chose the island of Lampedusa (Italy) at the time. for his very first papal trip. A very clear speech in favor of migrants that he has been making for a long time, but in fact, the Pope is a moral authority, whose influence policy remains limited. The Élysée and the Vatican spoke of a joint desirente to fight more effectively against smugglers.

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