the political-love soap opera that fascinates Italy

The separation from the President of the Council, Giorgia Meloni, mixes love, betrayal and politics.

This soap opera followed by all of Italy is played out in real life. In theepisode 1, le companion of Giorgia Meloni, Andrea Giambruno, host of the show Diario del Giorno on a private channel (Rete4), is guilty of a particularly sexist and serious slip-up, even though he had already been criticized for a few off-road incidents.

Off set, in a fairly vulgar conversation peppered with giggles and laughter, he suggests a “threesome” (or even foursome) to one of his colleagues and asks her if he can “touching the package while he talks to her”.

His remarks, filmed without his knowledge, are the delight of a very popular satirical program on another channel of the same group – Mediaset, owned by the Berlusconi. The channel then broadcasts them during the week, with strong comments.

A breakup announced on social networks

Episode 2: Giorgia Meloni formalizes her breakup by publishing, Friday October 20 on social networks, a smiling selfie of the couple and their daughter which dates back a few years. She writes : “My relationship with Andrea Giambruno, which lasted almost ten years, is over (…). Our paths have diverged for some time, the time has come to take note”.

A political conspiracy?

Episode 3: This story becomes a political affair. Since the Berlusconi era, Italian television has no longer been a space for public expression but a political weapon. Some are wondering today who had an interest in leaking the scabrous behavior of Andrea Giambruno, and especially in putting in difficulty the president of the council, who last year opposed Silvio Berlusconi when forming his government.

Giorgia Meloni also made this allusion in her post on Friday: “Let all those who seek to weaken me by attacking my family know that even if the drop hopes to dig into the stone, the stone remains stone and the drop is only water.”

His coalition stands together to defend it

The President of the Council seems indeed destabilized by this affair. On Sunday October 22, she canceled her participation in an event organized by her party, Fratelli d’Italia, to celebrate her first year in power. “I am also a human being”, she said in a recorded video message. Thursday, October 26, she appeared very tense and very nervous during her communication to senators and deputies, “on the verge of tears“, even says the newspaper Republic.

Politically, the opposition is having a field day: during the campaign, the far-right leader presented herself as a good Christian mother, praising the model of the traditional family. But for the moment, its coalition partners are closing ranks, they have quickly shown their support. “Forward, heads held high!”, even declares Matteo Salvini, vice-president of the council and boss of La Ligue du Nord. Giorgia Meloni hangs on. His party has never been higher in the polls.

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