the political class “frightened” by the attack on the home of the mayor of L’Haÿ-les-Roses

The mayor’s wife and her two children aged 5 and 7 were at home in the absence of Vincent Jeanbrun (LR), who was then at the Town Hall of his town of more than 30,000 inhabitants, in this fifth night of urban violence. An investigation was opened for attempted murder.

A milestone has been reached in horror“, he denounces on Twitter. The home of the mayor Les Républicains de L’Haÿ-les-Roses (Val-de-Marne), Vincent Jeanbrun, was vandalized overnight from Saturday to Sunday, franceinfo learned from of his entourage. The mayor was not there but his wife and children were targeted. An investigation has been opened for attempted murder by the Créteil prosecutor’s office. For the moment, no arrests have been made. announced in this case.

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Around half past one in the morning on Sunday, several people forced the gate of Vincent Jeanbrun’s home to the ram car. They set fire to this vehicle, which ignited that of the mayor: ” According to initial findings, the vehicle was launched to burn the flag (…) an accelerant was discovered in a bottle of coca-cola“, declares this Sunday the prosecutor of Créteil, who went on the spot. The wife and the children of the mayor then fled in their garden, behind the house. Vincent Jeanbrun was then at the town hall, as since the The beginning of this episode of urban violence.Under mortar fire, the mayor’s wife pushed her two children, aged 5 and 7, over the wall that separates them from their neighbour’s garden. was injured, she herself suffers from a probable fracture of the tibia, according to the prosecutor of Créteil.

In addition to the investigation opened by the Créteil prosecutor’s office, Vincent Jeanbrun intends to file a complaint for attempted premeditated homicide. ” Last night, a milestone was reached in horror and ignominy. My home was attacked and my family was the victim of an assassination attempt.“, he wrote on Twitter, ” my determination to protect and serve the Republic is greater than ever. I won’t back down“.

Government “support”

Quickly, a large part of the political class expressed its concern. Starting with the government: Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne spoke out on Sunday against ” intolerable facts“, after this car-ramming attack, promising that ” the culprits will be prosecuted with the greatest firmness“. Matignon specifies that the Prime Minister ” lends its full support to the mayor of L’Hay-les-Roses and his relatives (…), as well as to tAll the mayors who are alongside the inhabitants on the front line in the face of violence“. She arrived on site at the beginning of the afternoon with the ministers Gérald Darmanin), Christophe Béchu and Dominique Faure. President Emmanuel Macron will make a “situation update” at the Elysée at 7:30 p.m. with several members of his government .

Guest of France Inter, government spokesman Olivier Véran said he felt “obviously a lot of anger, a very strong emotion”: “Do you know why the family of Vincent Jeanbrun, the mayor of L’Haÿ-les-Roses, was attacked? Why was the mayor of Charleville-Mézières Boris Ravignon attacked? Why were dozens of elected officials targeted by looters again tonight? Because they constitute a bulwark for the Republic in the face of looting and disorder, it is not insignificant”, says Olivier Véran.

In the presidential majority, messages of support then poured in. ” Bravo for your courage and your determination to serve our fellow citizens! Let no violence, verbal or physical, pass“, wrote the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire (ex-LR) to him. ” Attacking a mayor is attacking all of us, all citizens. The whole national community must say stop“, pleaded the Minister Delegate for the City Olivier Klein. ” Public engagement should never be synonymous with danger, neither for yourself nor for those you love.“, for the President of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet (Renaissance).

Shortly before midday, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin tweeted his ” support for Vincent Jeanbrun and his family, victim of a cowardly and terrible attack, is total“.” An investigation for attempted murder has been opened and significant resources of the judicial police are mobilized. The perpetrators of these facts will answer for their heinous acts“, he assures.

“Extreme gravity” for the right

Also on Twitter, the President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, wrote: ” To attack the life of an elected official and that of his family is to attack the Nation“. Republican boss Eric Ciotti condemned ” facts of extreme gravity which must lead their authors to the court of assizes“.

Whether ” A milestone has been crossed“, declared this Sunday on BFM TV the prefect of police of Paris, Laurent Nuñez, ” We’ve reached an inexcusable level“, denounces for her part on franceinfo Hélène Geoffroy, mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin, after the attack on the home of the mayor LR of L’Haÿ-les-Roses on the night of Saturday to Sunday. ” There is nothing that can justify attacking the home – of anyone for that matter – but of an elected official, a mayor, with his family“, declares Hélène Geoffroy on franceinfo. The mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin declares having learned of this attack on Sunday morning: “ I admit that I remained almost frightened, telling myself that everything is now possible. It has nothing to do with what was initially the emotion linked to the death of a young 17-year-old boy, in the circumstances that we know. From now on, we are dealing with what becomes absolute delinquency.

“A new milestone has been reached”

“A new milestone has been reached,” tweeted the leader of the RN deputies Marine Le Pen. Laurent Jacobelli, spokesperson for the National Rally, guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo returned to the urban violence of recent days, speaking of ” an urban guerrilla“: ” It’s a symbol of the Republic that was attacked, we crossed a new phase“, he said, sending his sympathy to the chosen one and his family. It shows that what we are experiencing today, these hordes of savages who attack all the symbols of the Republic hate France, want to harm France, and do not accept the rules of the Republic. We can’t get used to this gratuitous violence“, specifies the spokesman of the RN, who describes a country ” to fire and blood, which is no longer appeased, a pressure cooker country, it is the result of 40 years of laxity, excuses, uncontrolled immigration. Today there are neighborhoods where the rules and values ​​of France are not respected.

On the left, Marine Tondelier, head of EELV, assured that “environmentalists give their fullest support to Vincent Jeanbrun“: “What he went through is unspeakable,” she tweeted.Mayors and local elected officials are on the front line“Faced with urban violence, estimated this Thursday on France Culture the EELV mayor of Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin) Jeanne Barseghian.Like everyone else, I am extremely shocked by what happened last night. I send all my support to Vincent Jeanbrun“, she first declared, before denouncing the fact that “local elected officials and their entourage find themselves in dangerous and unacceptable situations“. According to her, through this attack, “it is a symbol of the Republic that is attacked“.”I call for calm“, she concluded.

For his part, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of the Insoumis, wrote on Twitter “share(r) the fear of the Jeanbrun family“, and LFI deputy Clémentine Autain underlined the”absolute urgency to find political responses of justice and equality to appease“.

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