the police have started to dismantle the Forceval square camp, announces Gérald Darmanin

A hundred crack users had gathered for a year in this square located in the 19th arrondissement of the capital.

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The Square Forceval camp in the northeast of Paris, where a hundred crack users have been gathering for a year, began to be dismantled on Wednesday, October 5 in the morning by the police, announces Gérald Darmanin.

“On my instruction, the prefect of police is proceeding with the final dismantling of the crack camp in Square Forceval. 1,000 police officers will be deployed so that this camp does not reconstitute itself elsewhere”, tweeted the Minister of the Interior, when the police entered this square located in the 19th arrondissement of the capital.

“In total, nearly 1,000 police officers will be mobilized over 24 hours, both to carry out the operation, but also in the following days to secure the various strategic sectors and thus avoid the reconstitution of another fixation point”said the Ministry of the Interior to AFP.

>> Crack in Paris: in the corridors of the Porte de la Villette metro, we fear that “it will become Zombieland”

Place Beauvau explains that “the people wanted will be arrested, as will foreigners in an irregular situation who will be placed in CRA [Centre de rétention administrative] for their expulsion”. “The other occupants will be directed to accommodation facilities with medico-social support or to care units”.

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