the police have regained control of the places of power invaded by the supporters of Jair Bolsonaro

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07:39 : On social networks, videos have also circulated showing ransacked offices of parliamentarians. A protester sat in the seat of the President of the Senate, a striking mimicry with the pro-Donald Trump rioters who invaded the Capitol two years ago. According to CNN, protesters set fire to the carpet in a Congressional lounge, which had to be flooded to put out the fire.

07:35 : QUADRO DO DI CAVALCANTI RASGADO A FACADAS. O nível dessa gente escrota.

07:35 : The Bolsonarists caused considerable damage in the three huge palaces they invaded yesterday and which are treasures of modern architecture and are full of works of art. Priceless paintings were damaged, including mulattoesby the modernist painter Di Cavalcanti, exhibited at the Presidential Palace and pierced with several holes, according to photos circulating on social networks.

07:14 : Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has announced that he will resume work today in his offices in Brasilia, stormed the day before by hundreds of supporters of his far-right predecessor, Jair Bolsonaro. “The putschists who promoted the destruction of public property in Brasilia are being identified and will be punished. Tomorrow we resume work at the Planalto Palace. Democracy always”tweeted the left-wing head of state.

06:16 : Hello @d0m Yes, Jair Bolsonaro, who is in the United States, reacted in a series of tweets. He condemned without firmness “the depredations and invasions of public buildings”. But he also has “dismissed the charges, without proof” of his successor that he encouraged the violence.

06:16 : Hello. Did Bolsonaro react? And his former government? Have a good day.

06:06 : We start with a new point on the news:

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva returned to Brasilia last night to see the enormous damage to the ransacked Presidential Palace, the Congress and the Supreme Court, by supporters of his far-right predecessor Jair Bolsonaro. Here is what we know about this invasion.

The government is preparing to unveil tomorrow its explosive pension reform against which the unions are already planning to demonstrate, ulcerated by the probable postponement of the retirement age to 64 years.

The appeal trial of the health scandal of the Mediator, a drug from Servier laboratories accused of having caused the death of hundreds of patients, opens today for six months before the Paris Court of Appeal. Almost 15 years after revealing the scandal, pulmonologist Irène Frachon is waiting for “a burst” from justice.

The president of the French Football Federation Noël, Le Graët did not spare yesterday on RMC? the legend of the Blues Zinédine Zidane, attracting the wrath of Kylian Mbappé and the Minister of Sports. “Zidane is France, we don’t disrespect the legend like that”reacted on Twitter the star of the Blues Kylian Mbappé.

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