This announcement comes the day after the launch of a tightening of controls, while some Iranian women defy the obligation to cover their hair since the death of Mahsa Amini.
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In Iran, more than 150 commercial establishments were closed by the authorities in 24 hours for not having respected the obligation of wearing the veil by employees, police announced on Sunday April 16. Sanctions taken the day after the entry into force of a new police plan to monitor compliance with the ban on women appearing in public with their hair uncovered. A ban in force since the Islamic Revolution of 1979, but which has wavered since September and the protest movement that emerged after the death of Mahsa Amini.
The sites targeted are “137 stores and 18 restaurants and reception halls” throughout the country, specifies the Iranian police, who assure that their managers did not have “heeded previous warnings”.
The hardening of the repression of the refusal to wear the veil also passes by increased controls of the passengers of cars, also concerned by this law. “Several hundred” cases were identified in 24 hours, and the owners of the vehicles were warned by text messages of the risk of sanctions, police said on Sunday.