The police chief promises to get to the “bottom of things”

Pacific Niyokwizera resisted his arrest the evening he was the subject of a muscular intervention near the Dagobert, according to the Quebec police chief, Denis Turcotte.

• Read also: Legault and Marchand want answers on the muscular arrests in Quebec

• Read also: [EN IMAGES] Violent interventions: compromising images add to the SPVQ

The police were trying to disperse about fifteen people who were causing disorder in the area following an assault caused inside the establishment, said the director of the SPVQ.

There were a total of six arrests, five in connection with the municipal by-law for causing disorder and one for assaulting a peace officer.

“What I can also tell you at this time is that of the six arrests, only two resisted their arrest. So that’s what we saw in the first video sequences, ”said Mr. Turcotte.

He did not want to specify whether the gesture of throwing snow in the face of an accused who is held on the ground could be an acceptable practice.

He insisted on the importance of analyzing all the facts related to this case, particularly what could have happened before and after the video sequences.

More generally, “force is used quite regularly when people resist arrest,” said the police director.

He reiterated his full “confidence” in the 850 or so police officers in Quebec City.

Regarding the five agents suspended with pay, “following the investigation we will be able to tell you” if they still have the confidence of management, he added.

The suspensions had the effect of a “shock wave” within the service, argued the police officer.

He promised to get “to the bottom of it” regarding the four high profile events where the use of force shocked many citizens.

One of the police officers indeed involved in three events

In addition, Denis Turcotte, confirmed Thursday that one of the suspended police officers was involved in three of the four events which occurred in the last weeks.

However, it is not known if this agent is involved in the fourth event in the city, the video of which began circulating on social networks on Thursday.

Recall that on November 30, five police officers were suspended as part of the internal investigation conducted by the SPVQ. Denis Turcotte said the police were suspended in order to “preserve the integrity” of the investigation.

The director of the SPVQ does not rule out the possibility of suspending other agents if necessary.

The Quebec City Police Service (SPVQ) is the object of much criticism across the province after the arrests of Pacifique Niyokwizera, on Grande Allée, and Jean-Philippe St-Laurent, at Portofino de Sainte -Foy, where the force used by the police raised eyebrows several, in the night from Friday to Saturday.

The SPVQ opened internal investigations into these two events, as did the Police Ethics Commissioner. No witnesses met or police have been met so far in the context of the investigation.


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