the police at the helm against a background of “insufficient” security

Tears and emotion throughout his testimony. Magali C. tall black figure with tied hair cries and often interrupts. “I avoided talking about it for a long time, I asked for my transfer to the National Police (…) … I saw the horror … I don’t know if I can say it …-the magistrates approve with a sign– but I saw bodies coming out of the wheels“…

On July 14 after the fireworks in Nice, Magali is in a fixed crew at the corner of rue Meyerber and the Promenade des Anglais with her two colleagues Gaëtan and Clément, 21 years old and only three months of training at the police school, in post for six months in Nice.

They will be confronted for the first time with the truck with the driver aiming at them and pulling towards them. But then they are petrified, not knowing where to take shelter, they don’t” don’t reply“explains the young police officer who is nevertheless experienced in exercises.

They then run behind the truck and surround it. It is at this moment that only Magali on the right of the terrorist fires eight shots “The driver died of a bullet in the right carotid artery and you were the only one on that side, we can conclude that it was you who killed him, you are a hero and probably the most modest tries to reassure his lawyer Olivia Chalus Pénochet.

In the insistent questions on the exchanges of fire between the police and the terrorist Magali C. specifies that it takes a lot of practice to drive with one hand while shooting with the other with a weapon that locks and needs to be unlocked”. Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel knew how to use it.

Magali now 40 years old lives “with the consciousness of death and that changes everything“, she “severed his ties with Nice and his former colleagues“, she no longer plays sports while representing the police in high-level athletic competitions.

Second police officer heard: Christophe Benedetto then head of service for the general security of the Municipal Police on July 14, 2016. It was he around 10:34 p.m. who launched a general alert on the radio ” a mad truck drives on the Promenade towards the port and crushes pedestrians, it is undoubtedly an attack“. A message that was not heard by Magali’s crew whose radio was not working well.

because our radio was not working well, it was hatched, we did not hear “…

A trial with the latter various testimonies from civil parties insists on the security measures deployed that evening. “It’s not our file” slips a magistrate but the questions come back in a loop before the hearings (as a witness) expected this Thursday, October 20 before the same special assize court of Christian Estrosi and Philippe Pradal.

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