the police are deploying major means to find the escaped detainee


Video length: 2 min

Attack on a prison van in Eure: the police deploy major means to find the escaped inmate
Attack on a prison van in Eure: the police deploy major means to find the escaped inmate
(France 2)

A large-scale hunt to find the fugitive began on Tuesday, May 14. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, speaks of considerable resources. How do the police operate?

To capture Mohamed Amra, up to 450 police officers and gendarmes were deployed on Tuesday May 14, according to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. “We put a lot of resources into finding the person who escaped and finding the gang who released him in despicable conditions”he assured at the microphone of RTL.

Second strategy, less visible: the judicial investigation. In images, attackers try to set fire to the car blocking the van, without success. The technical and scientific police are searching the two vehicles found for tiny traces of DNA. The appearance of the attackers or the model of their weapons, necessarily the result of trafficking, are also valuable clues. Investigators can make the link with other cases by interviewing informants, relatives, or cellmates at the Évreux remand center (Eure). Mohamed Amra may be abroad. The President of the Republic has already asked other countries for help.

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