The false document, which has an official letterhead, circulates a lot on social networks and misrepresents the information as “new measures in force to prevent disturbances to public order”.
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The press release looks like an official press release. The Information and Communication Service of the National Police (Sicop) as well as the Ministry of the Interior alert, Sunday July 2, on a false document which affirms that “temporary restrictions will be applied to internet access in specific neighborhoods during nighttime hours”all in order to “prevent the misuse of social networks and online platforms”. However, this is a fake.
“We did not write a press release announcing temporary restrictions on Internet access in certain neighborhoods, this is fake news”said the Sicop, Sunday, with a tweet which calls not to spread false information.
The document has been circulating a lot on social networks for a few hours, such as Facebook or Twitter. It features an official logo, as well as mention of contact details that claim to be those of the General Directorate of the National Police. However, when we look more closely, it is an email address that is similar to that of the Prime Minister’s communication.