the poignant testimony of the children of Kharkiv



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On the 62nd day of the war in Ukraine, France Télévisions went to meet young Ukrainians. Report.

In Kharkiv, in eastern Ukraine, children live in hiding, safe from bombs in a large underground car park. They are between 8 and 14 years old. On the 62nd day of the war in Ukraine, France Télévisions reveals their testimony. “That’s where my parents sleep and that’s where my boyfriend’s parents sleep”explains one of them, showing several mattresses.

“In the morning, I go home to do my homework, then I come back here [dans le parking ndlr.] for lunch, playing cards. And it’s like that every day”, explains Alexandre Dolinsky, 14 years old. No more dance lessons, no more kick-boxing sessions, for two months the daily life of these children has been turned upside down. Outside, the city of Kharkiv is in ruins. However, between desolation and destruction remains this small flame specific to children: that of hope.

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