the poignant speech of Canadian MP Greg Fergus



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The strong speech of Canadian MP Greg Fergus against the swastikas and Confederate flags waved in front of Parliament in Ottawa.

On February 2, 2022, Canadian MP Greg Fergus reacted to the swastikas and Confederate flags waved in front of Parliament in Ottawa. Indeed, since January 29, 2022, thousands of Canadian truckers and demonstrators have been marching through the streets of the city to protest against the vaccination requirement imposed on truckers crossing the border with the United States.

This movement is called the “Freedom Convoy” and is accused of harboring white supremacists and other extremists. Faced with this, MP Greg Fergus was indignant to see that a “small minority of people believed it was tolerable to bring swastikas and Confederate flags to Parliament Hill“He thus recalled that the Confederate flag is a symbol of slavery.”188 years after the abolition of slavery in Canada, some people think that I am not their equal, that I should not be free“, he lambasted.


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