The PLQ promises $450 million for a public psychotherapy program

A Liberal government would eventually invest $450 million per year in a public psychotherapy program that would provide 15 free sessions annually.

The leader of the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ), Dominique Anglade, presented this part of her “Health Access Plan” on Sunday during a stop in Shawinigan.

It is that the COVID-19 pandemic has exploded mental health problems: around 20,000 people are still awaiting care, underlined the one for whom the subject takes on a personal dimension.

“My mother, when I was young, suffered from mental health issues. […] Sometimes I […] I was like, “If I don’t make lunch for my sister and me, […] we will not eat this afternoon, ”said Ms. Anglade.

“It’s the story of thousands of Quebecers today,” she said. Mental health is as important as physical health. It is not normal not to be able to have access to universal psychotherapy care. »

Concretely, under an Anglade government, a person will be able to use their health insurance card to seek psychotherapy care anywhere in Quebec, even privately.

On Saturday, Ms. Anglade reiterated her intention to act in mental health at the Force jeunesse symposium, which was held at HEC Montreal and to which all party leaders were invited.

The organization Force jeunesse said it had calculated that the lack of universal mental health care was costing society $18 billion. “You have to put in money, […] recruit more,” said Ms. Anglade.

The Liberal plan includes offering incentives to bring experienced workers back into the labor market, attract newcomers and speed up the recognition of diplomas, said Ms. Anglade.

However, she remained evasive on the recruitment targets to be reached.

Disclaimer in Joliette

In addition, on Sunday, Ms. Anglade again had to defend the organization of the Liberal Party, following the withdrawal of one of its candidates in the middle of the electoral campaign.

Malek Arab withdrew “for personal reasons”, the party said in a statement. Ms. Anglade did not want to clarify her thoughts at a press briefing.

She announced that Diana Mélissa Crispin, a nuclear medicine technologist with a degree from the University of Montreal, will replace Mr. Arab.

“Mr. Arab will not be a candidate in Joliette. It will be Mrs. Crispin. I am very happy that Ms. Crispin is joining us, a person in the field of health in addition, ”she limited herself to saying.

Ms. Anglade also announced on Sunday that her party will challenge the decision of the Chief Electoral Officer of Quebec (DGEQ), who, the day before, had refused the Liberal candidacy in Matane-Matapédia.

It would be a trivial error on the form, it was indicated in the liberal clan. The Liberals therefore present, for the moment, an incomplete team for the October 3 election, with 124 candidates out of 125.

The news even made the PQ candidate react in Matane-Matapédia.

“This is not good news for democracy in my constituency. Quebec Liberal Party voters should have a candidacy,” tweeted Pascal Bérubé.

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