The plea to Joe Biden

Mister President,

I am writing you a letter that you will probably not read. But in a gesture that combines visceral concern with real and profound compassion, I want to add my voice to those of hundreds of thousands, even millions of people on this planet who, on this day after a catastrophic debate, probably think the same thing as me.

Your fight, Mr. Biden, as you have repeatedly stated, is a fight for democracy. You won a singular and significant victory by defeating Donald Trump in the last election, and the determination you have shown in wanting to once again impose yourself as the main torchbearer is certainly commendable. Unfortunately, the vagaries of time have made you a seasoned fighter, certainly, but diminished, and incapable, it seems, in a decisive political arena, of emerging as the winner of a joust that is proving to be particularly fierce.

The forces you seek to impose on are indeed singularly vicious. In this camp of the Republican right, the truth no longer has currency, demagoguery is a religion, the precepts of Machiavelli have become the norm and the cult of the god-leader is inspired by the most tragic examples of recent history . Faced with such a barrage of dishonesty, deception and fanaticism, we need new forces, lively, alert, energetic, capable of rallying and mobilizing an opposition which really exists, but which at the moment finds itself deprived of means and resources. ‘a consistent leader.

A possible Trump victory suggests nothing but a “small end of the world,” institutionalized denial of the reality of climate change, the rise of extremism, a planet left prey to the most aggressive predators. Is this really what you want to leave as a legacy, Mr. Biden, after so many years of good and loyal service?

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