the players of the XV of France prepare their entry into the running against Italy


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The XV of France faces Italy on Sunday (4:00 p.m.) in Grenoble to launch their Tournament.

Place for ladies for the Six Nations Tournament, after the success of the men’s XV of France with a grand slam at the end of the day. The 35 players selected by Annick Hayraud have been training for a week for the competition, a year after failing in the final against England (6-10). Their entry into the running is expected on Sunday March 27 against the Italians in a Stade des Alpes in Grenoble (Isère), which expects no less than 10,000 spectators in the stands.

“It’s great, these are the best conditions to playsmiles the captain of the Blue Gaëlle Hermet. There is good humor, joy, we are happy to meet again.” The sun is in full swing in Marcoussis where the players have access to all the main facilities in the absence of the men’s group. “When we saw the rendering of the girls from the first training, we all We were reassured and we know that they work a lot so we are not worried on that side”assures coach Annick Hayraud.

The French women arrive confident after a perfect last autumn tour: three victories in as many matches including two against the New Zealanders. The opening half Caroline Drouin is the spokesperson: “We want to build a crescendo on this tournament because we want to finish as it should. Maybe that can promise a new final against the English, in any case that’s what we hope. We is keen to beat them and achieve the grand slam.”

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