the planned meeting between Nupes and union officials is postponed

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12:53 p.m. : Good morning @A senior in the fog. Unions were split on the senior index:

“If it’s just to say ‘you’re not nice’, it’s not going to change much”had declared the leader of the CGT, Philippe Martinez. “We already know the situation, there is no need to make an index”he had insisted, as we reported in this article.

“The senior index is bogus”had castigated the president of the CFE-CGC, François Hommeril.

• The CFDT wants the publication of this senior index to be mandatory from 50 employees, like the one on professional equality between women and men, we noted here. The organization imagines, by 2026, an increase in employer contributions from which well-ranked companies will be exempted. A way of rewarding the effort, rather than sanctioning the lack of will to integrate seniors into the company.

12:49 : Hello could you enlighten me? Were the unions for or against the senior index? That LR votes against, we understand. The MEDEF did not want it. I don’t understand the vote from the left. Thank you for your enlightenment and great job.

12:26 p.m. : The meeting between the Nupes unions, scheduled for today, has been cancelled. The Unitary Trade Union Federation (FSU) confirms to franceinfo information from the Parisian.

11:58 : “This vote is not understandable.

On leaving the Council of Ministers, Olivier Véran deplores the rejection by “a majority of circumstance” of article 2 which provided for the creation of a “senior index”. The government wants this provision “may be restored during the examination of the text in the Senate”he said.

11:20 a.m. : The petition launched in January by the eight main French unions against the reform, judged “unfair and brutal”, passed the milestone of one million signatures. This is the third most signed petition in the history of the platform, behind those on Labor Law (1.35 million) and “for a drop in fuel prices at the pump” (1.29 million).

11:09 : As a result, we have decided to close the Villejean and La Harpe campuses for Wednesday February 15 and Thursday February 16 inclusive. It means the suspension of all administrative, cultural, educational and research activities.2/2

11:09 : [Communiqué de la Présidence] We have heard of elements raising fears of a real desire to occupy the premises during the blocking announced this Wednesday noon. 1/2

11:19 a.m. : Faced with threats of blocking part of its premises, Rennes 2 University announces the closure of its Villejean and La Harpe campuses from today, and until tomorrow evening. A first blockage had already taken place two weeks ago, recalls France Bleu Armorique.

11:17 a.m. : You work or have worked part-time for at least ten years? Are you wondering if you will be eligible for the minimum pension? Your testimony interests us for the “20 hours” of France 2! Our journalist awaits your messages at the following address: [email protected].

11:04 am : “We have to withdraw all the amendments, of course. This is the strategy we have adopted: we have put amendments in order to be able to withdraw them.”

On BFMTV, the elected representative of EELV, member of Nupes, calls on the deputies of La France insoumise to facilitate the examination of article 7 of the reform by withdrawing their amendments. He judges the majority “febrile” approaching this possible vote. “We can prevail”he believes.

10:40 a.m. : According to a Nupes executive, a large part of the left-wing coalition would be aligned to examine Article 7 and go to the vote. The latter would see a review of the postponement of the legal age to 64 years “ideally Thursday in the afternoon”. #DirectAN #Retreats

11:03 am : Are we heading towards a massive withdrawal of amendments by the left? According to our political journalist Margaux Duguet, the planets seem to be aligned in this sense within the Nupes, to the point of considering a review of the central article of the reform, the 7th, tomorrow.

11:00 : @Snowflake: Good morning. As detailed Release, it is difficult to provide a precise answer to your first question. But you will find in this article by my colleague Mathieu Lehot-Couette an estimate at “0.5 out of 10” on average the risk of dying before retirement, i.e. 5%. An estimate that varies according to the level of income, as you can see in the graph below.

10:33 am : Hello france info, do you know how many people die before retirement age? how many arrive there in physical incapacity? and with this reform, what about occupational medicine, which does not have a lot of resources, there are shortages? Behind the stats there are other parameters to take into account as well.

10:21 a.m. : Incident in the Social Affairs Committee. “Citizens will watch carefully the vote of each parliamentarian. Respond positively to their expectations,” asks Thomas Vacheron (CGT) to the senators. “It’s a form of threat” intervenes the president @CDeroche_Senat

10:56 : “Throwing parliamentarians to public condemnation, regardless of their vote choice, is not part of the democratic debate.”

Senator LR from Maine-et-Loire denounces “a form of threat” of the CGT after one of its representatives urged each elected official to “respond positively” the expectations of citizens opposed to the reform.

10:55 : Meanwhile, in the Senate, the Social Affairs Committee is already considering the government bill. A CGT trade unionist caused a stir at a hearing this morning, saying that the vote for “every parliamentarian” would be scrutinized “carefully” by the citizens. “Blackmail”were offended by several elected officials.

10:12 a.m. : “We are convinced that you will never have a better opportunity to prove that your job is to relay the aspirations of citizens in the hemicycle than by opposing this reform.”

In its letter to the deputies, the intersyndicale, made up in particular of the CFDT, the CGT and the FO, says it is ready to meet each elected official for the “convince” one by one.

10:55 : In full examination of the reform project in the National Assembly, the inter-union calls on each deputy to “vote the rejection of this bill”. A letter written yesterday was sent to all the elected officials of the Palais-Bourbon, with the exception of the members of the National Rally.

09:58 : .@olivierdussopt: “1.8 million current retirees will see their pensions increase […] 40,000 more people each year will pass the 85% mark of the Smic [parmi les nouveaux retraités]#le7930inter

10:54 : How many new retirees will pass the famous milestone of a pension at 85% of the minimum wage if the reform is adopted? “We have a forecast, it happened to me last night: 40,000 more people each year”advances the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, at the microphone of France Inter (friends of the numbers, the following video is for you).

07:47 : How does the government react to the rejection of article 2 of its reform? Joined by France Télévisions, the entourage of Elisabeth Borne evokes a vote “not very surprising” Who “confirms that some, behind their grand declarations, have made the choice of a sterile opposition”, to the detriment of older people.

06:20 : “If Nupes withdraws its useless amendments, it is still possible to defeat the government on Article 7 and the extension of the legal age to 64 before the end of the week!”

Three days of suspense and tension are now announced in the Assembly, where the debates will end on Friday, before a transfer of the text to the Senate. More than 14,200 amendments remain to be examined, and 18 articles of the bill, including the famous article 7.

07:53 : In his review, Olivier Dussopt omits to quote Les Républicains, who however also rejected the creation of a “senior index” (38 LR votes against, 6 abstentions, 0 votes for). LR deputies judged this tool “unsuited to the realities of SMEs” and ineffective for “improve the employment rate of seniors”.

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