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175 countries met in Paris on Monday May 29 to agree on a treaty against plastic pollution around the world. 460 million tonnes are produced each year, and 80% end up as waste one year later.
In just 20 years, global plastic production has doubled to 460 million tonnes. China is responsible for 20% of this manufacturing, followed by the United States (18%), and the European Union (15%). It is found in car spare parts, polyester clothing, or toys. However, it is the packaging industry that is the most productive, with 158 million tonnes of plastic per year. Next comes the construction sector (71 million tonnes), then the textile sector (62 million tonnes).
The rich countries, the biggest consumers
These products have a very short shelf life. Between its production and the moment it ends up in the trash, it takes an average of six months for packaging, three years for everyday consumer goods, five years for clothing, eight years for household appliances, and 35 years for building materials.
Rich countries are the biggest consumers of plastic: tons of waste, which must then be treated. “A lot of plastics are not recyclable, we don’t know what to do with them, so we send them to the other side of the world, so that they leave them in landfills”explains Juliette Franquet, director of Zero Waste France.