Around Jean-François Achilli and Bérengère Bonte, those informed debate the news of Tuesday September 12, 2023.
Reading time :
8 mins

The themes :
The place of undocumented workers in the French economy : a column in Libération on the regularization of undocumented immigrants in professions under pressure. The subject divides within the majority, the LR threaten a motion of censure if the immigration law is too “lax” in their eyes.
With Emmanuelle Aurioleconomist, professor at the Toulouse School of Economics and member of the economic analysis council
Traffic in Marseille and the death of a woman, collateral victim of a shooting : Gérald Darmanin, on site, affirms that “each French person has a share of responsibility in stopping using drugs”.
The meeting between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un : the North Korean leader arrived in Russia aboard his armored train. In search of diplomatic and technological support against the United States, its arms stocks are likely to interest Russia, which is entangled in Ukraine.
with Sylvain Tronchet, correspondent in Moscow of franceinfo
The informed:
Patrick Le Hyaric, eeditorialist at Humanité
Albert Zennou, reditor-in-chief of the political service of Le Figaro
Audrey Goutardjournalist at France Télévision, specialist in social issues