the PKK denies any involvement

Monday morning, the Turkish police announced the arrest of a suspect. “According to our findings, the PKK terrorist organization is responsible,” the government said.

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Accused by Ankara, the PKK denies any involvement. The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) affirmed, on Monday November 14, that it had “no link” with the attack that killed at least six people in Istanbul on Sunday afternoon. “We do not target civilians and reject operations that do”he said.

Earlier in the day, the Turkish police announced that a young woman of Syrian nationality, arrested in the night, had admitted to having committed this attack. “by order of the PKK”. “The person who planted the bomb has been arrested”announced the Minister of the Interior, Süleyman Soylu. “According to our conclusions, the terrorist organization PKK is responsible” of the attack.

The suspect would have received instructions to this effect in Kobané, a city controlled by PKK allies in northeastern Syria, according to Turkish media. The Kurdish armed movement responded by accusing the Turkish government of having “dark plans” and of “show Kobané as a target”.

The PKK, considered a terrorist organization by Ankara, but also by its Western allies such as the United States and the European Union, has been in armed struggle against the Turkish government since the mid-1980s. It has often been blamed by history of bloody attacks on Turkish soil.

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