Video length: 4 mins.
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Working at the office involves sitting for several hours, sometimes in the same position. Major Mouvement physiotherapist, Grégoire Gibault, shares his tips for avoiding back pain.
Do you have to have a straight back? And avoid cross-legged? Grégoire Gibault deconstructs the myths around the positions to adopt when sitting. “There is no right or wrong posture. We were made to believe that it was good to be as straight as possible, with straight eyes and all, in positions in which, in fact, it is like being in a corset, it is not comfortable at all”. To relieve your back, you must above all detach yourself from certain beliefs and above all move. “Much greater symbolism is given around cervical and lumbar pain than it really is”.
Physical inactivity, the 4th cause of death in the world
In 2023, physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death in the world: it is bad for the heart, the joints and the brain. “We consider today that it would take an hour a day of movement, walking, picking up your children, taking the metro to break 8 hours of frozen position”. Our body loves movement and it is precisely capable of sending a message itself when the pain is too strong to change position. “ 95% of back pain develops favorably within 6 weeks. If ever, this is not the case, it is obviously necessary to consult and the movement will be a good solution.
Discreet exercises to stretch your muscles
To counter the immobile position, Grégoire Gibault suggests movements to perform during the day. Cross your legs and come bend forward stretching your lower back and glutes, alternate coming up”seek” With a round back then a straight back, use a scarf to stretch the neck and raise the chin towards the ceiling then come back… Discover in video the different Major Movement techniques to stretch and therefore relieve back pain.