This concerns nearly 10% of employees, according to a survey to be published Thursday, April 20: return to the company that we had left some time before. There are more and more “boomerang” employees.
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Employees who return to the company they had just left is directly due to the recruitment difficulties faced by companies and the new balance of power between employees and recruiters. If France has not known like the United States a massive phenomenon of “Great resignation”, many employees have taken advantage of the tensions on the labor market to look elsewhere. Result: some, after a whim start, return to square one. A survey published Thursday, April 20 by Cadremploi says that 9% of executives have already resigned from a company to be rehired some time later. And that 51% of employees have already witnessed such a movement.
Companies are not reluctant to take back those who have abandoned them. According to Carole Ferté, director of studies at Cadremploi, new relationships, uninhibited, have been established on both sides. “There was a form of ego in these reports, it has completely disappeared”, comments the specialist. We are therefore concentrating, on the business side, on the advantages of such a maneuver: the reception and acclimatization of the employee become easy and fast, it saves considerable time – and therefore money –, the employee is operational much faster and recruiting is much less risky.
The movement is growing
For the “boomerang” employee, there are also advantages. Any movement from one company to another is accompanied by wage negotiation. And Carole Ferté confirms that returning to her old company is generally accompanied by a salary increase. Moreover, the movement is growing. he had already been spotted last year by the social network Linkedin, which said that more than 2% of its registrants had followed such a course last year, compared to 1.17% in 2019. Especially in the fields of finance and community services. With nearly 10% of “boomerang” employees, according to Cadremploi, and 46% who could consider embarking on such an operation, we see a clear acceleration of the phenomenon.