The pharaohs invite themselves to the Musée de la civilization de Québec

From October 27, the Musée de la civilization (MCQ) will host mummies, statues, jewels and stelae from ancient Egypt as part of the exhibition The time of the pharaohs.

Posted at 3:13 p.m.

Laila Maalouf

Laila Maalouf
The Press

These collector’s items will stand alongside detailed models of Egyptian pyramids, temples and houses; interactive multimedia spaces, animations and videos will also make it possible to reproduce life and the public environment at the time of ancient Egypt.

The majority of the pieces come from the Egyptology collections held by the museums of the University of Aberdeen, in the United Kingdom, as well as German museum institutions – namely the Gustav-Lübcke-Museum and the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum.

The exhibition follows that of Pompeii. immortal citywhich will end on September 11, and was designed by the firm MuseumsPartner, which was behind the presentation of MAYAlast summer at the Musée de la civilisation.

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