The Pessac mosque in Gironde targeted by racist tags

The president of the mosque explains that he fears an act will take place and announces his intention to file a complaint.

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franceinfo – with France Bleu Gironde

Radio France


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The Pessac mosque, near Bordeaux (Gironde), was the target of racist and Islamophobic tags on the night of Saturday May 25 to Sunday May 26, France Bleu Gironde reported Tuesday May 28. The president of the mosque Abdourahmane Ridouane announced his intention to file a complaint on Tuesday.

Registrations “Be racist, vote white” Or “Foreign imams outside France” were written on the walls of the mosque, accompanied by the signature of the small far-right group Action Direct Identitaire.

“This is the seventh time we have found tags like this since the attacks in 2015,” deplores the president of the mosque. He ensures that France Bleu Gironde has “fear that one day these threats will lead to action.”

These acts of vandalism occur while justice will examine Friday at 2 p.m. the request for expulsion of Abdourahmane Ridouane made by the prefecture of Gironde. His lawyer Me Sefen Guez Guez assures on X (ex-Twitter) that he is targeted by this procedure for “his attachment to the defense of the Palestinian cause” And “his criticism of France’s international policy, including in Niger, his country of origin”.

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