The PS assured on Monday that it had found a “common candidate from civil society” for the post of Prime Minister with the environmentalists and the communists. For its part, LFI announced the suspension of discussions.
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The joint candidacy of the Socialist Party, the Communist Party and the ecologists for Matignon, from civil society, “will create consensus among the left-wing people”assured the general secretary of the PS Pierre Jouvet on Monday July 15 on franceinfo, while the rebels suspended discussions with their partners on Monday.
The socialists, communists and environmentalists reached an agreement on Monday on “a joint application from civil society” to lead a left-wing government, the PS said in a statement, without specifying the name of the candidate. “I do not want the Insoumis to use the fact that they do not have a Prime Minister from La France Insoumise as a pretext to break up the union.explains Pierre Jouvet. I say to La France Insoumise that it is time to return to the discussion so that we can reach a conclusion.”.
“Everyone must move in the same direction, he continued. “That’s why we are proposing a personality who does not come from one of the four political parties, to allow everyone to say that it is not one of the parties that would have won. This personality will create consensus among the left-wing people, in the country and among political organizations.”
To resume discussions, LFI demanded an agreement on the presidency of the National Assembly. “We are very clear in the Socialist Party, as among the communists, as among the ecologists, we want a single candidacy of the New Popular Front for the presidency of the National Assembly”assures Pierre Jouvet.