the perpetrator of the knife attack in Bavaria was interned in psychiatry, authorities say

The young man, a Syrian political refugee 27-year-old arrived in the country in 2014, injured four people on Saturday in a German high-speed train traveling between Bavaria and Hamburg.

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The perpetrator of the knife attack on an ICE high-speed train in Bavaria, in Germany, was interned in a psychiatric hospital, announced Sunday, November 7 the Nuremberg-Fürth prosecutor in charge of the case, Gerhard Neuhof. The young man, a 27-year-old Syrian political refugee who arrived in the country in 2014, injured four people on Saturday on a German high-speed train traveling between Bavaria and Hamburg, with 208 passengers on board.

An initial assessment by an expert of the perpetrator of the assault concluded that “delusional and paranoid schizophrenia” and a strong impairment of criminal responsibility, the Nuremberg-Fürth prosecutor in charge of the case, Gerhard Neuhof, told reporters. The young man said he felt pursued by police who would monitor him and seek in this way to drive him crazy, said the prosecutor, adding that he had not been the subject of any particular police measure. He was interned pending further examinations. “There is no element pointing in the direction of an Islamist motivation”, said the head of the local police, Sabine Nagel.

Even if the terrorist trail has been ruled out, these facts took place in a tense context in Germany, which has faced several jihadist attacks in recent years.

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