the perilous daily life of the patrollers


France 3

Article written by

France 3 Rhône-Alpes, A.Olivier, F. Ceroni, C. Fayolle – France 3

France Televisions

Accident vans are on display at the entrance to certain tolls until November 24, in order to make users aware of the dangers of the road. 32 Vinci Autoroutes vehicles were hit in 2021.

Éric Legendre is a motorway agent and intervenes in dangerous situations or behavior. Failure to respect safety distances, drowsiness or even on the phone while driving, every little lack of attention can have dramatic consequences. Since the start of the year, 32 patrol vans have been hit, without causing serious injuries.

They are exposed to the Vienna toll until November 24, in order to make users aware of the dangers of the road. “They must respect the safety instructions, the safety distances and be attentive while driving.“, explains Fabrice Russo, deputy regional director of VINCI Autoroutes in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Éric Legendre, like 1,000 other agents in the Vinci Autoroutes network, risks his life every day to protect the lives of users.


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