The Périgourdin who threatened the police with a rifle sentenced to eight months in prison

The man arrested in Chancelade on Monday February 28 in a camp for travelers was sentenced to 12 months in prison, including 4 months suspended probation. The man was tried in immediate appearance by the Périgueux court on Wednesday March 2 and he left at the end of the hearing in prison.

On the night of Wednesday February 23 to Thursday February 24, he had threatened the police with a gun while trying to escape control. The Périgourdin, well known to the courts, was arrested by the raid’s elite police the following Monday.

In addition to his conviction, he no longer has the right to possess a weapon for five years and his license was withdrawn for eight months. He will also have to pay between 700 and 800 in damages to each of the four civil parties who have formed themselves in the trial.

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