the people of Kiev donate their blood in anticipation of the worst

The inhabitants of the Ukrainian capital live in fear of a Russian offensive and rush to donate blood. Report in a donation center in Kiev.

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PAlmost a week after the start of the Russian invasion of the country, the inhabitants of the capital try to help in any way possible. Some Ukrainians take up arms and make Molotov cocktails, and still others rush to donate blood.

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In a residential area, the building is guarded by armed volunteers. The lobby welcomes donors in an overheated temperature that contrasts with the freezing snowy humidity outside. “I saw a message from a colleague and saw that my blood type was really wantedsays Alex who is not his first blood donation. I’m AB negative, everyone does what they can do.”

In the media, messages are regularly passed to encourage donation. Victoria Batchuk is the director of this neighborhood center, she witnessed this spontaneous momentum: “The first day we had 500 donors, and the second day more than 600 people. That’s three times more than normal.”

“We now have enough stocks, we no longer have a shortage, so we are starting to tell people to go home and come back later.”

Victoria Batchuk, director of a blood donation center in Kiev

at franceinfo

After the collection, another stage begins for the staff of the center. The blood bags must be sent to the hospitals, at night, with all the risks that entails.

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