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Eleven months after the bitter failure of Valérie Pécresse in the presidential election, deep fractures are revealed within the Republicans as evidenced by the pension reform project.
All eyes have been on them for the past few days. The Republican deputies had the fate of the pension reform in their hands, but the right was divided. Éric Ciotti was one of those in favor of the text while Aurélien Pradié was at the head of the slingers who forced the government to 49.3. Disagreements within a party that has been carrying pension reform for years.
Deep differences between the old and the new generation
Since the rout of Valérie Pécresse in the presidential election, there are only 61 LR deputies left in the Assembly. The new generation of elected officials opposes the old one with, as a last example, the motion of censure against the government which is far from being accepted by all the deputies. Now, some tenors are calling for radical decisions so that the right can find a guideline. The party is more than ever fractured and proof of the malaise, these two main presidential candidates, Xavier Bertrand and Laurent Wauquiez, shine by their discretion.