the penitentiary inter-union formulates counter-proposals to the government

Pending a return from the Ministry of the Interior, the inter-union calls for continued blockades in prison establishments.


Reading time: 1 min

Prison officers gather and block the entrance to the Paris-La Sante penitentiary center in Paris, May 15, 2024. (SERGE TENANI / HANS LUCAS)

On the evening of Thursday, May 16, the penitentiary union formulated a series of counter-proposals to the responses provided by the government after the fatal attack on a van in the Eure, during which two agents were killed.

“Staff want a large-scale political reaction with strong announcements but it is clear that the statement of decisions does not conform to the discussions we had and does not meet the expectations of the field!”, she wrote in her press release, before rolling out her counter-proposals. These measures aim to “strengthen the security of all prison staff”indicates the inter-union.

Concerning equipment, it notably calls for the standardization of a large part of the penitentiary vehicles and the provision of armored vehicles. The inter-union also campaigns for a “rapid supply of large caliber long weapons and automatic long guns”.

The inter-union also wants generalized access to Genesis inmate data processing software by agents, “for the improvement of the assessment of the dangerousness of the detainee, in anticipation of his extraction”. She also asks for a “revision of escort levels in order to adapt them to the profiles of the extracted detainees”.

The inter-union also recalls that extractions must be limited, particularly the most dangerous, and instead favor videoconferencing or the movement of magistrates and clerks within establishments. It also asks to provide for the presence of nursing staff in prison establishments or to develop telemedicine to limit medical extractions. She finally emphasizes that it is “imperative to find rapid solutions to contain” prison overcrowding.

Pending a return from the Ministry of the Interior, the inter-union calls for continued blockades in prison establishments. “A memorandum of understanding must be finalized by the week of June 10, detailing the measures and the implementation timetable, and providing for monitoring arrangements”she specifies.

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