the peak of the seventh wave of the epidemic is expected for the end of July



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The number of positive cases for Covid-19 is expected to increase further in France throughout the month of July.

France has to deal with the resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic at the start of the summer period. “Currently, there is a very strong increase in the number of cases (of contamination). On average, every day there are 100,000 cases”, explains Mahmoud Zureik, professor of epidemiology, Saturday July 2. The number of hospitalizations is also on the rise. “We are also starting to see an increase in the number of intensive care admissions”, he says. For the moment, the deaths are not more numerous.

“The president of the Scientific Council, Jean-François Delfraissy, said that the peak will be around the end of July. This means that the number of cases will increase more and more”says Mahmoud Zureik. “BA.4 and BA.5 represent more than 75% of variants (cases of contamination)he continues. “With the increase in the number of cases, there will also be sick leave for healthcare professionals with Covid”warns the professor of epidemiology.

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