The peak of the 6th wave of COVID-19 has passed in several places in the country

The peak of the sixth wave of COVID-19 transmission has passed, or nearly passed, in several regions of the country, estimates the deputy administrator of public health of Canada.

Dr. Howard Njoo noted in a press briefing on Friday that the epidemiological situation varies from one place to another in Canada.

“It’s hard to speak for the whole country, but I think we can say in general that we are pretty close to the peak or even the peak has been exceeded,” he said while answering questions. journalists.

“With the warmer temperatures too, we are in a better situation today than before,” he added.

Asked to clarify whether science now makes it possible to clearly decide on the seasonality of COVID-19, Dr Njoo replied that it was “perhaps a little too early” for that.

“But with the experience of previous waves, it is certain that we have seen that during the summer, there is less activity and transmission”, he nuanced, noting that the summer period is shorter in Canada than in many other places in the world.

Accompanied by the Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Theresa Tam, to provide an update on the pandemic, he again encouraged Canadians to get their booster dose of one of the vaccines against COVID-19.

According to the most recent figures published by Ottawa, just under 50% of the Canadian population has received their third dose. Data on the fourth dose is not available on the federal dashboard.

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