“the peak of contamination is still ahead of us in Brittany”, according to the director of the ARS

The peak of contamination is unfortunately still ahead of us in Brittany“, assures this morning Stéphane Mulliez, the director of the Regional Health Agency of Brittany. Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health, however indicated that nationally, the peak of contaminations was now reached.

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The decline has not yet started in Brittany

Over the past few days it has increased a little, the peak of hospitalizations is also ahead of us, as is the case nationally.“, he continues. “There is always a _fifteen day lag_three weeks between contaminations and hospitalizations“, continues the director of the ARS in Brittany.

But anyway, even when we are at the peak, we will still have to make the descent, so we can see that we still have great weeks ahead of us in relation to this management of the coronavirus“, he warns.

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The Omicron variant does not spare Brittany

We have a circulation of the virus for this new wave which is comparable to that of the national territory, with _unprecedented incidence rates_. This rate continues to increase in Brittany, including in recent days“, recalls Stéphane Mulliez.

We have a very high level of hospitalization, and caregivers who are sometimes contaminated, this requires a fairly intense set of reorganization in hospitals at the moment“, details the director of the Regional Health Agency of Brittany.

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